Friday 6 September 2013

Real Media Texts - Music Video

The Narrative- The visual narrative of this video is; man rides bike with his friends, gets injured while riding and friends help him conquer his injuries and carry on doing what he loves. Hidden narratives of this video is how important and loving friends can be and also how if you persevere you can do anything.

Setting-This piece is set in America we can tell this by the palm trees representing Miami and the constant heat and sun backs this up. Also the BMX bikes may also represent America because BMXing and skateboarding are two of the most loved hobbies in America and Miami. The places it is also set is a hospital for his injury and a skate park for when the are riding bikes.

Number of Shots- 131.

Transitions used- Cut, Fade to black.

Representation- The main representations used here are age and gender. Gender is shown as predominantly male and how they are the stronger people who can ride BMX's and help recover and overcome obstacles through the main protagonist. Whereas females aren't really shown throughout the piece. Age is also shown as the males look quite old yet riding bikes is something the kids and teens usually do so it represents that hobbies are universal and not bound by age.

Lyrics matching visual-The lyrics in this video do not match the visuals directly but it says "tell me that you need me" and it shows the the male needs his friends to help him beat this issue he is facing.

The Narrative- The narrative to this piece is that it follows the life of a camera and the camera drops in and out of other people's lives to view what is going on. It shows how different things make different people happy and how they are having fun like for example the couple are in love and they make each other happy. They do this so the song makes people think of happy times and promotes it in a feel good way.

Setting- This piece is set in a sunny place, like somewhere where you would go on holiday again to signify happy times. Although it may feature in different laces because the camera goes on a journey with people but the camera is mostly in sunny beachy areas.

Number of Shots- 110

Transitions Used- Various different cuts

Representation- sexuality is shown in this piece in being predominantly heterosexual due to the heterosexual couple shown positively. Age is shown as being very universal as we have a range of ages but again it is predominately middle age and young due to them ages picking up the camera and we see no elderly people or children maybe this is because they are trying to represent their audience. Gender is represented with males being the more dominant due to them having more air time and females are shown as weak and sexual due to the too women on the boat and when they go to a party in short dresses.

Lyrics matching visuals- At the start of the video when she says "you" the male jumps into the shot showing that he is who she is singing about. When she says the word "stranger" another male picks up the camera connoting that he is not part of their life. The Narrative- The narrative of this piece is about a boy in a venue chasing after a girl but she is held back by these two men and the protagonists friends stop the two males while the protagonist and the female run away together and then are hit by a car in the end.

The Setting- This music video is set in some kind of club or a bar, while we have the artist on stage performing to the audience. The high key lighting makes the place look happy and in a good mood whereas when they go down stars away from the artist it is low key and dark. This setting makes the artist seem more enjoyable.

Number of shots- 141

Transitions Used- Cut, fade to black

Representation- males are represented as the dominant characters in this piece as there were many more males than females connote that they are more important and the predominant character in this piece, this could be because the artist is male. Males are also steretypically shown as aggresive by the fight with the males near the pool tables.

Lyrics matching visuals- The lyrics do not match the visuals in many places but if we take the lyrics over the images it would imply that the male has already been with the female in this piece then it makes more sense to say that the lyrics are the males thoughts, wondering if the female will love him again. Also when it says "Angels like you" the camera is on the female while he looks at her and also when it says "there is nothing I can do" the two males that are with the female appear connoting that he can't do anything with them there.

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