Wednesday 5 February 2014

Other Students Music Video

Genre - The genre of this piece is clear pop, we can tell this by the fast paced cuts and transitions that make it appealing to a younger audience. We can also tell it is pop through the use of many artist shots and the artist being the main part of the narrative which is commenly found in most pop videos as it makes the audience connect with the artist more. Finally the use of close ups make it pop genre as well because pop is all about promoting the artist by doing this through close ups really helps.

Narrative -The narrative although hard to understand sometimes is about a relationship where in which the girl cheats on the main protagonist guy, they showed this through the texts with all the kisses and asking to meet up.

Representation - This video has limited representation as it wasn't clearly thought through and doesn't make sense in areas however the black and white effect has connotations to the past and what has come of their relationship, how it has turned to darkness.

Audience - The audience for this piece is clearly teenagers through the sue of teenage outfits and the whole teenage love and fighting going on. This appeals to this audience because they fele like they can relate to the characters in this piece, mainly the protagonist, if anyone has cheated on them, they feel like they know the pain.

Institution - The institution for this piece is a mass industry as it is quite clear to be a pop video and appeal to a huge audience however the kind of camera and shots use make it seem very low budget and niche although this is something which was not intentional.

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