When creating our first rough cut for our music video we did not know what to expect but wanted to see what our audience thougth about what we had created. The comments were impressed by what we had already achieved but at the same time had some issues with a lot of things that we knew we needed to change. With this first rough cut we had a lot of good comments like "The storyline is clear" or "I liked the focus pull shot" which helped us learn what our audience wanted to see like more creative shots really appealed to them and making the storyline clear also really helped the impact. This being said they also mentioned that "The camera man can be seen in the guitar" this became a main issue for us because we really didn't want to break continuity so we immediatley went back to editing and changed it so he could not bee seen in the reflection. Another comment was about jump cuts on the female walking out of the house, they felt like "this was confusing to the rest of the narrative" we knew that we needed to cut this if it confused our audience, so we again learnt that our audience enjoyed a clear storyline so the narrative was something we really wanted to focus on for rough cut 2.
For our rough cut 2 we had made changes upon mainly our narrative as this is where we felt most of the problems were and the feedback showed this. This time the comments were a lot more focused upon the performance and the artist, saying that the timing was out and not in sync, this helped us learn that we needed to focus on both areas not just one, the commentss helped us see what we didn't before and gave us an in depth analysis which we needed to focus more upon, so when reaching our rough cut 3 we really wanted to make it as close as we could to our final product to see what kind of comments our audience would give us.
When reaching our final rough cut before our final product we really wanted to clench it down to the best we could but at the same time try some things. In our previous rough cut we heard a lot of feedback upon the artist so this was our main focus in this final rough cut, we sorted out all syncing issues firstly and made sure it looked all good and professional but at the same time we looked at some of Josh Records videos and were looking for what we could add, we added this black and white effect upon the artist which Josh Record used in his other music video for 'Bones'. We again showed this to our audience to see how they would react, surprisingly they did not like the colour correction at all, so we had to scrap it and move to one which would more suit our narrative, this showed to us that we made the right decision when trying to create Josh Record in this different style than he is currently placed in.
All in all our audience feedback allowed us to gain a deeper knowledge and conclusion of our rough cuts which ultimately led to the creation of the best final piece that we felt we could of made. The audience feedback helped us so much throughout our editing process when we did not know what more needed to be added and how much better we could make it.